2nd Summer School in Symbolic Computation

Beijing, China, July 15-22, 2006

This summer school will provide an opportunity for Chinese students, young researchers and teachers to learn basic techniques on selected topics of symbolic computation. It will also be a forum for senior researchers working in the area to discuss recent advances and future developments and expansion of symbolic computation in China. Chinese and English will be the working languages in the summer school.


SSSC 2006 will offer eight mini-courses taught by experienced Chinese professors and researchers:

These mini-courses will be at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level and each course will take six hours.

Special Lectures

Specialized one-hour lectures will be given by leading researchers. Confirmed invited speakers include:

Scientific Committee

Falai Chen (University of Science and Technology of China)
Zhibin Li (East China Normal University)
Zhuojun Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dongming Wang (Beihang University and UPMC-CNRS, France), Chair
Bican Xia (Peking University)
Zhiming Zheng (Beihang University and Peking University)

Organizing Committee

Bican Xia (Peking University), Chair
Rong Xiao (Peking University)
Lihong Zhi (Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Key Laboratory of Mathematics, Informatics and Behavioral Semantics of the Ministry of Education of China, Beihang University and Peking University


Professor Bican Xia
School of Mathematical Sciences
Peking University
Beijing 100871, China
E-mail xbc@math.pku.edu.cn
Fax +86 10 6275 1801
Professor Dongming Wang*
School of Science
Beihang University
Beijing 100083, China
E-mail Dongming.Wang@lip6.fr
Fax +86 10 8233 8311

* On leave from LIP6-UPMC-CNRS, France